UE Metahuman


In this tutorial I will try to provide instructions for adding and configuring a Metahuman for live production scenes using the APS Live-Link Plugin.

Start A New Project


On to project setup! Add the APS Live-Link plugin and enable it in the plugin browser.

The APS live-link plugin is a standard plugin for UE located in the project's Plugins folder.

       5.  Select Plugins from the dropdown and open the plugin browser:

Open the plugins browser from the Edit menu.

       6Enable the checkbox for the APS Live-Link SDK in the plugins browser:

Search for APS Live-Link SDK in the search input.

       7From the content browser enable Show Plugin Content:

Make the plugin's content visible in the project.

       8.  Add the APSCore blueprint into the scene:

The APSCore scene object is the object that connects to APS Luxor over the network. 

Plugins > APS Live-Link SDK Content > APSCore

If using Luxor on the same PC as Unreal Engine then you may leave the IP address field as the default (

Quixel Bridge

If you already have a Metahuman you can skip this step.


If you are using Unreal Engine 5 you may need to manually copy the metahuman into the project.

Locate and open the metahuman's blueprint and open it in the editor.

It is important to enable Missing Plugins after importing a Metahuman

Enable These Plugins:

Node Configuration

Adding the APS Live-Link pose receiver nodes to existing Metahumans

Add the AvatarPoseReceiver node to the body's AnimGraph:

Locate the Animation Blueprint for the Body skeletal mesh.

Click on the body's SkeletalMesh referenced in the actual Metahuman's Blueprint, then from SkeletalMesh find the referenced AnaimationBlueprint. 

Add the live-link node to the AnimationBlueprint referenced by the Metahuman Blueprint: 

Very important is to disable all higher LOD levels for the skeletal mesh.

LOD causes the skeleton to change abruptly, which can cause the APS plugin to crash. Be sure any skeletal mesh connected to the AvatarPoseReceiver node has been set for LOD0 only

Realtime retargeter to fix stretch from skeleton mismatch

If using a mocap avatar in APS that is not exactly the same proportions as the target Metahuman can result stretching of the torso or neck. To solve this issue enable the real-time retargeter and check all of the "Location" toggles for the Spine. 

Reltime-retarting calculates the difference between two avatars and applies a offset  automatically.

Should be all the steps for setting up a UE Metahuman with the APS live-link plugin.

Download: Avatar for Metahumans

The Metahuman mocap avatars are available on the Steam Workshop !!
Be sure to download one of the Metahuman mocap avatars from the Workshop and that it is the active avatar in APS before trying to connect live-link!

Face Capture ARKIT

APS Sidekick iOS face capture setup

From the Metahuman Blueprint locate the face SkeletalMesh:

Then locate the referenced AnimationBlueprint, followed by disconnect all existing nodes and add the new CopyPoseFromMesh node, the AvatarARKitReceiver node and mh_arkit_mapping_pose node and connect them together: 

See Also:

Unreal Engine (APS live-link) Tutorials: