Adding Props

Download The APS_SDK for Unity

Latest SDK V9.5.7

In this tutorial I will cover how to create and export props to APS Luxor using models that were exported from Blender as .fbx and imported into Unity and added into the scene to create the assetbundle for Luxor using the APS_SDK.unityasset and the Unity editor. Briefly, after adding the .fbx to the Unity project; I add the .fbx into the scene and select GameObject in the scene hierarchy. Then from the APS_SDK dropdown file menu click on the option: "New APS_SDK (prop)" to add a new APS_SDK component to the GameObject 's inspector. Lastly to create the actual prop asset for Luxor click the button "Build Prop From .FBX" located in the inspector and the APS_SDK automation should generate a output folder (eg. prop$binos) folder that can then be copied to the VR_MocapAssets folder. The prop should be available in the VR prop browser!

Step 1. Open or create a Blender project with new prop model, ensure that the model is to-scale and that the scale has been applied and that the model is reset to the origin.

APS_SDK Download

The APS_SDK.unitypackage is available on Discord.

Compatible with Unity 2019.4.31f1

Unity 2018 is also supported for legacy avatars.

Step 2. Export the prop model from Blender as a .fbx, exporting it to the assets folder in the destination Unity project. 

Step 3. Open or create a Blender project with new prop model, ensure that the model is to-scale and that the scale has been applied and that the model is reset to the origin.

Step 4. With the prop object selected in the hierarchy, add a new APS_SDK component and ensure it is set as "prop" type. 

Step 5. After clicking the Build Prop button a new folder should appear containing the prop asset. 

Step 6. From the APS_SDK menu, select the Folders dropdown and open the Prop source folder, and the VR_MocapAssets destination folder.

Step 7. Copy the prop folder: prop$binos\ to the assets folder: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Animation Prep Studios\LUXOR\VR_MocapAssets\ 

Step 8. Launch SteamVR and start Luxor. 

Step 9. From the holographic menu in VR or by using the redundant Desktop menus navigate to the Prop Browser and locate the newly added prop. 

Step 10. Search for the prop by name if you have many props!! Props can only be added to the scene by selecting them with the VR controller. Open the Prop Browser using the holographic UI in VR. 

You can now select the custom prop and record motion capture!!

If the asset was exported to-scale from Blender then the prop dimensions should be correct in VR, if the prop is not sized correctly simply adjust the scale in Unity and rebuild the prop, or even better fix the model in Blender and re-export the .fbx 

Example Projects