Created: January 6, 2021
Last Edit/Review: Febuary 19, 2023
Brave Cinema Entertainment LLC was founded in February of 2020 as a software development company and sole proprietorship with the goal of delivering versatile motion capture animation recording software using VR inputs. And a focus on designing tools and automation for artists and game developers who wish to create realistic humanoid animations using standard consumer hardware. This endeavors the development of both mobile apps and accessories for extending the functionality of the software and adding realism to its motion capture capabilities.
Privacy policy for Vive face/eye tracking:
APS LUXOR (Windows application) does not collect facial feature information or make available to third parties data derived from the application. Facial feature data is used by APS LUXOR (Windows application) for adding facial expression to 3D avatars and for creating motion capture recordings of avatars with added facial expression. When facial tracking data is received by APS LUXOR (Windows application) it is used for instantaneously applying the values to a 3D avatar as facial capture. User may optionally record to their local PC motion capture data and simultaneously adding combined full body motion capture and audio to create composite animations in APS LUXOR (Windows application) and/or to export the result as standard animation files.
APS LUXOR (Windows application) does not attempt to access, collect, or derive, or attempt to access, collect, or derive actual facial image data using eye tracking or facial tracking input.
APS LUXOR (Windows application) does not collect or use Eye or Facial Feature Data as an identifier for an end user or for identification or authentication purposes.
What information is your app collecting using facial tracking for?
Face and eye tracking data is used for updating of a 3D avatar for facial motion capture. When using facial or eye tracking data APS LUXOR (Windows application) requires knowledge of the following:
The instantaneous rotation (gaze angles) of the user's eyes [for use as a gaze tracking feature].
The instantaneous weight for each facial expression blendshape [for use as a facial capture feature].
For what purposes are you collecting this information? Please provide a complete and clear explanation of all planned uses of this data.
Facial and eye tracking features may optionally be enabled by the user and data received by APS LUXOR (Windows application) is used for instantaneously applying the facial tracking values to a 3D avatar as facial capture. The user may optionally record this data simultaneously with combined full body motion capture to create animations in APS LUXOR (Windows application) or to export the results as standard animation files. All users must comply with any laws governing the end use and/or collection or distribution of facial feature (facial capture) data should they wish to obtain either directly or indirectly that data generated by this application. Users are required to understand all state and federal regulations governing the use and collection or distribution of facial feature (facial capture) data should the user wish to obtain either directly or indirectly that data generated by this application and use for any purpose.
Will the data be shared with any third parties? Where will this information be stored?
APS LUXOR (Windows application) does not make available motion capture data, facial feature data or any personal information to Brave Cinema Entertainment LLC or any third parties. All motion capture data and recordings created by APS LUXOR (Windows application) are stored locally and available on the user's workstation PC as binary files for purposes of playback and exporting of the recorded 3D character animations to other formats. User's may export this binary data as standard animation files using export features found in APS LUXOR (Windows application). Users may then wish to share the animation data or include it as content to be used in other projects and should be fully aware of any laws in their state concerning user privacy or other limitation regarding any content generated or exported by APS LUXOR (Windows application). If applicable, users must make all attempts to protect the privacy of others by safeguarding any data created by any user of this application such that it is not made available to third parties unless explicit permission has been given by the user.
Vive cameras (passthrough):
APS LUXOR (Windows application) does not collect or share video data or any data derived from video data. SR Runtime must be installed for camera access and cameras must be enabled in SteamVR.
APS LUXOR (Windows application) will request permission initially before using the HMD's front facing camera, if the user declines permission then no video data will be processed. If permission is granted by the user then the application can use video data for presenting a room-view passthrough mode that is toggleable by the user. Some (future) features may use video or image data locally for processing, such as mesh reconstruction, or as files exported to the user, such as a skybox background file.
APS LUXOR (Windows application) does not collect, share or otherwise make available video, image or derived data to any party.
APS LUXOR (Windows application) does not collect or use Camera Data as an identifier for an end user or for identification or authentication purposes.
What information is your app collecting using passthrough?
Front facing cameras provide dual stereoscopic color passthrough video of the user's play area allowing the user to visualize the physical environment while immersed in VR:
The instantaneous video from the dual front cameras [used for stereo passthrough room-view].
The instantaneous orientation of the HMD [for localizing the passthrough video spatially in VR].
For what purposes are you collecting this information? Please provide a complete and clear explanation of all planned uses of this data.
Room view passthrough may optionally be enabled by the user and video data received by APS LUXOR (Windows application) is used for instantaneously displaying a backdrop video behind the virtual reality scene. The user may wish to optionally record this data using a screen capture application. All users must comply with any laws governing the end use and/or collection or distribution of video or images data should they wish to obtain either directly or indirectly that data generated by this application.
Will the data be shared with any third parties? Where will this information be stored?
APS LUXOR (Windows application) does not make available video or personal information to Brave Cinema Entertainment LLC or any third parties. All video and image data including any derived data created by APS LUXOR (Windows application) are stored locally on the user's PC. If users wish to share the video data or include it as content to be used in other projects they should be fully aware of any laws in their state concerning user privacy or other limitation regarding any content generated or exported by APS LUXOR (Windows application). If applicable, users must make all attempts to protect the privacy of others by safeguarding any data created by any user of this application such that it is not made available to third parties unless explicit permission has been given by the user.
Privacy policy for APS Sidekick (Android)
The Sidekick app (Android) does not collect personal information nor does the app share information with third parties.
Augmented Reality:
To sum up briefly the functionality, the Sidekick app (Android) uses onboard camera sensors and orientation sensors (if available on device) for recording video and orientation data together for the purpose of creating augmented reality animations combined with digital avatar overlays and for the purpose of exporting the results to external applications. The data recorded by this app contains a video (.mp4), orientation (gyro, accelerometer, compass) and camera lens (fov) information is sent as binary values over WiFi to a receiving motion capture tool called APS LUXOR (Windows application).
The recorded video and orientation data is combined in APS LUXOR (Windows application) with SteamVR based full body motion capture to create entire humanoid animations for the purpose of photorealistic artistic rendering, game development or live productions using (custom) 3D avatars.
Camera2 API and other services:
The Sidekick app (Android) requires Camera permission and uses the rear facing HD camera for recording video. This video is typically in HD but may vary depending on device. All video recording is preceded by a audible and visual countdown queue and can be canceled at any point during the countdown. After the countdown the recording session will start and the user can end at any time by pressing stop. After a recording session has completed the Sidekick app (Android) will upload the video/orientation data to a local PC running APS Luxor (windows application) that is running the AR camera server for accepting TCP and UDP connections on the specified port. A video upload may be canceled at any time during the upload. After successfully uploading video.orientation data to the local Luxor PC the data is then used to reconstruct a augmented reality scene including a virtual camera in the 3D/VR game engine environment which can be used as spatially localized background video for including digital avatar and other 3d model overlays. Video data is stored locally as a temp file in the game/app data folders, this video (localized.mp4) is overwritten each time a new video is recorded/uploaded to the PC. When uploading a video the destination IP address for the upload is entered by the user to connect to a local PC running APS Luxor. The Sidekick app (Android) does not share or make available video/orientation data to Brave Cinema Entertainment LLC or to third parties.
What information is your app collecting using the Camera2 API?
The Sidekick app (Android) makes use of Camera2 API, MediaRecorder session and SensorManager for instantaneous recording of HD video and device orientation together. The Sidekick app (Android) requires knowledge of the following:
The rear camera HD video sensor and lens information [for recording augmented reality background video].
The instantaneous rotation and acceleration of the device [for spatially localizing the recorded video].
For what purposes are you collecting this information? Please provide a complete and clear explanation of all planned uses of this data.
Augmented reality motion capture and device orientation tracking data are temporarily stored by the Sidekick app (Android) and sent to a user assigned destination IP and Port number. This data is sent as UDP (sync signals) and as TCP (video/orientation data) as a stream of raw binary data that contains the video (.mp4) file and orientation data (device rotation). When data is received by APS LUXOR (Windows application) it is used for instantaneous/automatic reconstruction of the augmented reality camera motion paths in the APS Luxor 3D/VR game engine. The Android device position/orientation data is synced with the recorded video data to create a AR camera for playback and for including other 3D models/avatars in the scene. The augmented reality video and motion data may be exported by the user as standard animation files for use with Blender 3D editor (or other external 3D editors). Exporting the augmented reality scene creates new folders containing a .blend file and the recorded video/orientation data. Users must be aware and comply with laws governing the end use and/or collection or distribution of video data in their state should they wish to obtain either directly or indirectly that data generated by this application.
Will the data be shared with any third parties? Where will this information be stored?
The Sidekick app (Android) does not make available motion capture, video data or personal information to Brave Cinema Entertainment LLC or any other third parties. All motion capture data and recordings created by APS LUXOR (Windows application) are stored locally and available on the user's workstation PC as binary and video files for purposes of playback and exporting of the recorded 3D character animations to other formats. User's may export this binary and video data as standard animation files using export features found in APS LUXOR (Windows application). Users may then wish to share the animation data or include it as content to be used in other projects and should be fully aware of any laws limiting the use of any of the content generated from this application in their state, including any location the data is to be used.
Privacy policy for APS Sidekick (iOS)
The Sidekick app (iOS) does not collect personal information nor does the app share information with third parties.
To sum up briefly the functionality, the Sidekick app (iOS) uses the iPhone’s or iPad’s TrueDepth camera sensor (if available on device) to track the movement of a user’s head and facial expressions and sends this information as binary values in real-time over WiFi to a receiving motion capture tool called APS LUXOR (Windows application).
Head tracking data, eye tracking data and facial expression tracking data provided by the Sidekick app (iOS) may be combined in APS LUXOR (Windows application) with SteamVR based full body motion capture to create entire humanoid animations for the purpose of artistic rendering, game development or live productions using (custom) 3D avatars.
Augmented Reality:
To sum up briefly the functionality, the Sidekick app (iOS) uses onboard camera sensors and orientation sensors (if available on device) for recording video and orientation data together for the purpose of creating augmented reality animations combined with digital avatar overlays and for the purpose of exporting the results to external applications. The data recorded by this app contains a video (.mp4), orientation (gyro, accelerometer, compass) and camera lens (fov) information is sent as binary values over WiFi to a receiving motion capture tool called APS LUXOR (Windows application).
The recorded video and orientation data is combined in APS LUXOR (Windows application) with SteamVR based full body motion capture to create entire humanoid animations for the purpose of photorealistic artistic rendering, game development or live productions using (custom) 3D avatars.
TrueDepth API and other services:
The Sidekick app (iOS) requires Camera permission and uses the ARKit ARFaceAnchor session for determining the user's head orientation [to be applied to 3D avatars as a head tracking feature], and the orientation of the user's eyes [to be applied to 3D avatars as a gaze tracking feature] while also requesting weights values for each of the BlendShapeLocation AR facial expression blendshapes [to be applied to 3D avatars as a facial capture feature] and uses WiFi to send this information in real-time to external motion software running on a workstation PC. The Sidekick app (iOS) does not record or store any ARKit related data on the iPhone or on the iPad. Rather the data values are used by the Sidekick app (iOS) only for sending a stream of values that are used for crating realistic 3D avatar representations of a user's upper body and facial expressions. No personal information is ever communicated with external devices. The data streamed via WiFi from the Sidekick app (iOS) to any external workstation PC will only contains simple position, rotation and blendshape weight coefficients; no images, no audio and no facial scan information is ever transmitted or stored by the Sidekick app (iOS).
Augmented reality requires Camera permission and uses the rear facing HD camera for recording video. This video is typically in HD but may vary depending on device. All video recording is preceded by a audible and visual countdown queue and can be canceled at any point during the countdown. After the countdown the recording session will start and the user can end at any time by pressing stop. After a recording session has completed the Sidekick app (iOS) will upload the video/orientation data to a local PC running APS Luxor (windows application) that is running the AR camera server for accepting TCP and UDP connections on the specified port. A video upload may be canceled at any time during the upload. After successfully uploading video.orientation data to the local Luxor PC the data is then used to reconstruct a augmented reality scene including a virtual camera in the 3D/VR game engine environment which can be used as spatially localized background video for including digital avatar and other 3d model overlays. Video data is stored locally as a temp file in the game/app data folders, this video (localized.mp4) is overwritten each time a new video is recorded/uploaded to the PC. When uploading a video the destination IP address for the upload is entered by the user to connect to a local PC running APS Luxor. The Sidekick app (iOS) does not share or make available video/orientation data to Brave Cinema Entertainment LLC or to third parties.
What information is your app collecting using the TrueDepth API?
The Sidekick app (iOS) makes use of the ARKit ARFaceAnchor session for instantaneous updating of a 3D avatar for facial motion capture. The Sidekick app (iOS) requires knowledge of the following:
The instantaneous position and rotation of the user's head [for use as a head tracking feature].
The instantaneous rotation (gaze angles) of the user's eyes [for use as a gaze tracking feature].
The instantaneous weight for each BlendShapeLocation AR facial blendshape [for use as a facial capture feature].
For what purposes are you collecting this information? Please provide a complete and clear explanation of all planned uses of this data.
Face capture blendshapes and optional eye tracking and head orientation may be enabled and streamed by the Sidekick app (iOS) to a user assigned destination IP and Port number (Desktop application). This data is sent as a UDP output stream of binary position, rotation and blendshape weights values to APS LUXOR (Windows application). When data is received by APS LUXOR (Windows application) it is used for instantaneously applying the values to a 3D avatar as facial capture and optional head tracking position/orientation. Users may record this data simultaneously with combined full body motion capture to create animations in APS LUXOR (Windows application) or to export the result as standard animation files to other 3D animation software (eg. Blender).
Augmented reality motion capture and device orientation tracking data are temporarily stored by the Sidekick app (iOS) and sent to a user assigned destination IP and Port number. This data is sent as UDP (sync signals) and as TCP (video/orientation data) as a stream of raw binary data that contains the video (.mp4) file and orientation data (device rotation). When data is received by APS LUXOR (Windows application) it is used for instantaneous/automatic reconstruction of the augmented reality camera motion paths in the APS Luxor 3D/VR game engine. The iOS device position/orientation data is synced with the recorded video data to create a AR camera for playback and for including other 3D models/avatars in the scene. The augmented reality video and motion data may be exported by the user as standard animation files for use with Blender 3D editor (or other external 3D editors). Exporting the augmented reality scene creates new folders containing a .blend file and the recorded video/orientation data.
Will the data be shared with any third parties? Where will this information be stored?
The Sidekick app (iOS) does not make available motion capture, video data, facial feature data or personal information to Brave Cinema Entertainment LLC or any third parties. All motion capture data and recordings created by APS LUXOR (Windows application) are stored locally and available on the user's workstation PC as binary data for purposes of playback and exporting of the recorded 3D character animations to other 3D applications (eg. Blender).
Privacy policy APS LUXOR (Windows application)
Some user profile information may be stored locally such as the user's eye height to avatar eye height (if user entered value), microphone audio recordings and in-game StremVR body tracker calibration offsets.
APS LUXOR (Windows application) does not collect or send any information about the user's hardware environment or send any unique identifies explicitly. However, the app may use third party code and libraries which may collect some information such as Unity Developer Services, Unity Cloud Build, Unity Multiplayer, Unity Collaborate, Unity Analytics, deltaDNA and/or Unity Ads.
APS LUXOR (Windows application) does not make available motion capture data or personal information to either Brave Cinema Entertainment LLC or any third parties, ever. All motion capture data or avatar recordings created by APS LUXOR (Windows application) is stored locally available on the user's workstation PC as binary files for purposes of playback and exporting of the recorded 3D character animations to other formats. User's may export this binary data as standard .bvh character animation files using export features found in APS LUXOR (Windows application). The user may then wish to share this animation data or include it as content to be used in other projects.
Cookies are files with a small amount of data that are commonly used as anonymous unique identifiers. These are sent to your browser from the websites that you visit and are stored on your device's internal memory.
This Service does not use these “cookies” explicitly. However, the app may use third party code and libraries that use “cookies” to collect information and improve their services. You have the option to either accept or refuse these cookies and know when a cookie is being sent to your device. If you choose to refuse our cookies, you may not be able to use some portions of this Service.
Data Collection
What information does the Application obtain and how is it used?
User Provided Information – Such as .
Automatically Collected Information -There is no information that is collected automatically, except that the app was used and for how long (but with no identifying information).
Does the Application collect precise real time location information of the device?
This application does not collect or transmit any precise information about the location of your device.
Do third parties see and/or have access to information obtained by the Application?
During the Testflight phase of this project some app analytics data may be provided to the Apple inc. and the app developer such as user engagement, marketing campaigns, and monetization for apps with aggregated metrics such as App Store Impressions, Product Page Views, App Units, Sales, Installations, Sessions, and crash reports.
No other parties have access to the information (except for any exported data that the user makes available). Brave Cinema Entertainment has no access any data generated by this app.
Children's Privacy
These Services do not address anyone under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under 13. In the case we discover that a child under 13 has provided us with personal information, we immediately delete this from our servers. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided us with personal information, please contact us so that we will be able to do necessary actions.
Changes To This Privacy Policy
We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Thus, you are advised to review this page periodically for any changes. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. These changes are effective immediately after they are posted on this page.
Contact Us
If you have any questions regarding privacy while using the Application, or have questions about our practices, please contact us via email at
For more information, follow us on Discord.